Сытый зверь привередлив к еде, червовое сердце набито пиковыми.
mass effect ★ two galaxies
★ Jane Shepard ★ Jack ★ Miranda Lawson ★ Jeff «Joker» Moreau ★ Thane
★ Vetra Nyx ★ Peebee ★ Gil Brodie ★ Suvi Anwar
“ We are travelers, constantly moving forward, and looking back. Alone and as one, ”
We have no choice but to try for our insatiable curiosity, for our fear in what should happen if we don’t.
You are the explorer now
★ Jane Shepard ★ Jack ★ Miranda Lawson ★ Jeff «Joker» Moreau ★ Thane
★ Vetra Nyx ★ Peebee ★ Gil Brodie ★ Suvi Anwar
“ We are travelers, constantly moving forward, and looking back. Alone and as one, ”
We have no choice but to try for our insatiable curiosity, for our fear in what should happen if we don’t.
You are the explorer now